Digitisation Methods for Material Culture

This resource is an introduction to Digitisation Methods for Material Culture. The resource explores basic topics with regards to the study of material culture, while also looking at types of media as means to communicate and share information about it, as well as digitisation methods to capture material culture data.
Material culture constitutes an interdisciplinary domain looking into the connections between individuals and the objects they produce. This field spans the creation, history, preservation, and interpretation of objects, involving the examination of tangible artefacts and their significance. It draws on a spectrum of disciplines, including art history, archaeology, anthropology, ethnography, history, and heritage studies.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, learners will:
- Be able to describe the difference between various media types, including images, videos and 3D models.
- Have awareness of good practices for naming and adding basic metadata to visual media.
- Have a broader context and understanding of alternative digitisation methods to capture and visualise material culture data.
Check out the tutorial Digitisation Methods for Material Culture
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